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Men/Women - All Age Groups

10:00 am - Sunday, August 4 - Pool Play and Bracket Play all Divisions



Central High School, 5500 Education Dr., Cheyenne, WY 82009

Carey Jr. High School, 3330 T-Bird Dr, Cheyenne, WY 82001


5-Year Age Brackets: 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, 80+, 85+, 90+, 95+, 100+

Games officials reserve the right to cancel any event or combine age divisions due to insufficient entries.


$250.00 per Team Registration Fee


Final Registration Deadline – July 20

• All athletes are required to read and understand the rules.




The Commissioner will design the tournament as far as rules, guidelines, and bracketing.
NSGA 2025 Rules Apply


Tournament format will be pool play or round robin, with as many teams as possible advancing to a single elimination championship bracket.


The NSGA and LOC reserve the right to change the tournament format for any age division based on entry numbers, space restrictions, skill levels or other circumstances. 


Sport Rules:


  1. All matches will be conducted in accordance with USA Volleyball rules, except as modified herein. For a copy of these rules, please visit the website at or call: USA Volleyball 4065 Sinton Road Colorado Springs, CO 80910 (719) 228-6800 

  2. Team clothing should be of like design and color. The player’s jerseys must be numbered in a permanent manner from 1 to 99 using Arabic numerals. Duplicate numbers are not allowed. The numbers must be placed on the jersey at the center of the front and of the back. Minimum 4 inches on the chest and minimum 6 inches on the back. Sponsors may be added to the jersey but cannot interfere with number placement. Uniforms shall be free of inappropriate symbols or wording. 

  3.  A team must have at least five players present to start a game; otherwise, the game is forfeited. Teams will be allowed a five-minute grace period to assemble a minimum of five players. The sixth player may enter upon arrival. In the event of injury, a team may continue/finish with a minimum of four players on the floor. 

  4.  Teams competing with only five players shall always have three players on the front row. No service rotation penalty shall be assessed for not having six players. 

  5. To win the match, a team must win two out of three games. 

  6. In pool play, USA Volleyball rules governing tiebreakers will be used. 

  7. Two Libero’s are permitted and may be changed from set to set and not have to be designated for their match.




In each class and age division, Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to the top three scores.  There will be no tie-breakers.  Ties will be given identical medals.


COMMISSIONER:  Debby Fellowell, Cathy Mitchell, and Marty Mundt

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